It is no news that tea is one of the most loved beverages around the world. With the intoxicating aroma and the fabulous taste, tea marks the start of the day for some people and some end their day with it. Constantly consumed and tweaked flavors do not only accentuate the palate but also bring along a bucket load of benefits. There are several kinds of tea but the twist here is that they’re all derived from the same plant called- Camellia sinensis. It is the opinion of many dieticians and doctors to opt for tea over coffee since it contains less caffeine and the flavonoids in tea may prove helpful with cancer, heart diseases, diabetes, lung problem, etc. With several other benefits and a variety of tastes, it becomes a necessity to know all about them.

This is the name that comes to mind first when one mentions weight-loss. Green tea, like Higher Living Organic Green Tea, is a wonderful way to lose the few extra pounds, but it has many other benefits as well. With a sweet, mild aroma and an earthy taste, Herbal tea brings in cures for a lot of chronic diseases. The antioxidants present in green tea extracts work great on the oxidative stress of the brain and they also slow down or stop the growth of bladder, breasts, pancreatic, lung, stomach and colorectal cancer. Some green teas are very exquisite as well such as Matcha green tea - a variant exclusive to Japan- extremely healthy and has a whole ceremony dedicated to its serving called- tea ceremony.

Fermented for the longest amount of time, Black tea contains the most amount of caffeine. It is used in the conventional Indian Chai. With the most concentrated flavors and umami, Black tea formulates the base for many different dishes and beverages such as long island tea, ice tea, etc. as well. Along with the varied flavors, Black tea like Yoga Tea also proves beneficial in curing the damage caused to lungs by cigarette smoke.
This is the most delicate of all the other kinds. White tea is completely unprocessed and unfermented. White tea is hand processed, using the smallest shoot of the plant. Brewed slowly at a very low temperature, white tea produces very less caffeine and is known to be the most effective one when it comes to cancer-curing properties. Clipper white tea is one of the best from its kind.
Ever smelt the sweetest smelling flower and get a sudden craving to taste that smell? That is exactly what Oolong tea tastes like. With an incredible fragrance of fresh fruits and flowers, Oolong tea has the mildness and earthiness of green tea and the powerful punch of Black tea. Oolong tea is fermented for a small amount of time which helps in generating the mild levels of caffeine. Clearspring Oolong tea or Lima organic oolong tea is a great way to trigger weight-loss and control cholesterol levels.
This Chinese medicinal tea is exclusive to the province. It is made by aged and fermented tea leaves which are molded into cakes. Pu-erh tea is a variant of black tea and contains miraculous anti-inflammatory properties. The Chinese have been using this medicinal beverage for a long time to relieve joint pain and to aid in mental alertness. It contains a rich earthy and peaty flavor with zero bitterness.
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